Digital Learning Series

Strategy Think

Create Message

Engage Audience
Start at the end. Where are you headed? What are your goals? Decide those and set your path to get there.
How? With the CPS: Creative Positioning System. Like your GPS, it's the foundation of your campaign.
Strategy has many parts: creative, audience, message, visual, interactivity, media, etc. They all need to work together
The Creative Brief is your guide. It defines your audience and requires an on-target, on-strategy message. Answer the 14 questions and you know where you’re headed.
Learn what’s important to your audience.
Remember the three R’s: A message that’s RELEVANT and RESONATES with authenticity is REMEMBERED.
Focus on the benefits. The W-I-I-F-M: What’s In It For Me? If it doesn’t help consumers, they’ll tune out. Every message should create interaction. Spark a discussion. And inspire sharing. Every brand has to tap into the audience’s self-interest.
Ask them questions. Invite reviews. And, most importantly, reward their participation. Thank them by giving them what they want. So, they stay involved.